Divisions Used? Yes or No. Some leagues group the players into divisions and there
are weekly winners for each division. If yes, number of Divisions must also be valued.
Player Pick Default? Yes or No. Does league allow a default pick for each player
in case the player does not get his pick in on time. (Example. All Home teams).
Monday Night Points in decimals? Yes or No. If Yes, player can enter Monday Night
Points as a decimal e.g. 45.3, else player can only enter integers e.g. 45.
Weighted League? Yes or No. If No, each game of the week is worth one point. If
Yes, number of points per week and number of weighted games. For example League
has 18 points per week and 2 weighted games, in a 15 game week, player must have
2 weighted games – 1 for 3 points, 1 for 2 points, the other 13 games will be worth
1 point for a total of 18.
Number of weekly winners. 1 through 5.
Record Bonus Points? Yes, No or Ratio.
If yes enter values for each weekly winner. e.g. If there are 3 weekly winners,
bonus points could be 200 for 1st, 100 for 2nd and 50 for 3rd.
If Ratio - Enter Points per Player per Week, (Maximum 2 places). (In 3rd place enter
the year end points contribution).
The Standard Web Point Spread is taken from Web Site Vegas.com on Tuesday Evening.
If the point spread is an integer (e.g. 7), then a half point is added to become
(e.g. 7.5).