When the Player logs on the following features are available.
Message Board.
On the Player Menu messages are displayed in date order, from earliest to latest.
Player can add new message or reply to existing message.
Add Picks.
A list of all games to be played in the week is displayed. The Favorite team is
on the left, underdog team on the right with the point spread in the middle.
Player can click on team helmet at any time to view the up to date statistics for
the team.
There is also a link for each game to view the weather forecast for the home team.
Link to view the Players Pick History.
Link to display a Printable Version of the Pick Sheet.
All the above links open in new windows for convenience.
View Grid.
Available only after the week is closed by the Administrator.
Used to view all picks for all players.
There is an option to link to compare facility, which lets the player compare any
player's picks against another.
There is an option to display a compressed printable version of the grid.
Link to display an analysis of this weeks picks.
All the above links open in new windows for convenience.
Weekly Results.
Displays a summary of all the players results by week and total with Player Averages
and Weekly Averages. Also included total Bonus points earned.
The Weekly Winners are highlighted.
Current Standings.
Displays the players in descending order of Wins.
Displays additional statistics set up by the Administrator.
Displays the previous weekly winners.
Displays an analysis of Past Results.
Displays the previous Tiebreaker Losers.
Links to other sport sites for information before making picks