Login Help
Some players have reported problems logging onto the system.
The solution is to delete the temporary internet files that reside on your computer.
If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Click on Tools.
- Click on Internet Options...
- Under Section Temporary Internet Files, click on Button, Delete Files and
Click OK when prompted.
- Under Section Temporary Internet Files, click on Button, Delete Cookies and
Click OK when prompted.
- Under Section History, click on Button, Clear History and Click OK when prompted.
If you are using Netscape
- Click on Edit.
- Click on Prefereces...
- Click on Advanced, then Cache.
- Click on Button, Clear Memory Cache.
- Click on Button, Clear Disk Cache.
The system will NOT function if cookies are not enabled!
- Under Explorer make sure the Privacy Settings are at least Medium or Lower.
When viewing the Internet Options, click on Privacy Tab and change the settings
if too high.
- Under Netscape make sure that the Enable all Cookies option is checked.
Additional files to Delete.
Sometimes you have to delete the temporary files manually. If you are using a Windows
based operating system, exit from your Browser and open up Windows Explorer from
the Start Menu.
- Click on folder named Windows.
- Click on folder named "Temporary Internet Files".
- Delete the files in that folder.